Jet/Gym Pac for Dry Skin
The Vital Image was invited to be part of the 2019 Daytime Emmy Awards! We put together a special Jet Pac gift to the nominees, participants and presenters--TSA approved travel sizes of:
- Skin Renewal Complex .3oz
- PhytoHydrator 2oz
- Face and Body Wash 2oz
- Shaving Miracle 2oz.
- Lipid Complex .5oz
PhytoHydrator 2oz:
One of our most popular products, PhytoHydrator reduces the appearance of wrinkles, hydrates, plumps, rejuvenates, tones and tightens skin with its special blend of vitamins, minerals nutrients and of course water. Moisture is Vital to all skin types to keep it healthy and young looking.
Our unique 100% natural formula delivers "charged organic particles" to oxygenate your pores and to implode rejuvenating and beautifying effects to your skin.
Excellent for those with skin that is either sensitive, oily, problematic, dry, crepey or mature. Moisturizes even in the driest climates.
Face and Body Wash 2oz:
Improve the quality of your skin with this vital cleansing first step, The Vital Image Face & Body Wash.
Our unique "Charged Organic Particles" (COPS) add oxygen to your skin, which “unglues” any stuck grime, chemicals and dead cells so that your skin can breathe properly.
Face & Body Wash also sets your skin’s pH to naturally optimize other all The Vital Image solutions that you apply afterwards. The amazing thing is the speed with which this process works.
Detergent and chemical free, this skin cleanser with vital nutrients and herbs lifts impurities from your skin including bacteria and other pathogens. It does not dry up your skin's natural lubricating oils and leaves no residue in your pores.
Shaving Miracle 2oz
Say goodbye to cuts and nicks to get the smoothest shave ever and for ever.
Don't shave a single hair off your face, legs, underarms or bikini line until you read this.
Our customers asked for a natural shaving product, so we formulated a solution using only the best natural food-grade ingredients. Non-food-grade personal products can be toxic, damaging or irritating to your skin and they accelerate aging--certainly you don't want that! That game is over!
Unsurpassed as a shaving aid, Shaving Miracle is based on an aerospace accidental breakthrough that lets us replace synthetic chemical ingredients with our unique Charged Organic Particles (COPS).
The COPS that are contained in all our products, constantly repel each other and reduce the surface tension of water. This makes water wetter - splendid for shaving and for loosening dirt and grime that is unreachable by soaps. COPS eliminate the need for chemicals such as alcohol, emulsifiers, surfactants, and preservatives found in other popular personal care products. They are be nature activated when they are at body temperature.
Skin Renewal Complex .3oz
The best natural, most anti-aging cream to tone and tighten loose skin, lines and wrinkles.
The Vital Image Skin Renewal Complex is a highly concentrated scrupulously and scientifically composed blend of over 80 skin-enhancing plant extracts which:
- Accelerates cell turnover (via Bio enhancement, NOT chemicals),
- Restores elasticity,
- Provides essential nutrition to cells,
- Improves your skin color, tone and texture, plumps skin tissues to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
The result is a younger and more vital looking you.
Lipid Complex .5oz
Dry skin. Seasonal or year round, it’s something we all face to different degrees. Dryness makes our skin wrinkled, dull and saggy, and sometimes our regular moisturizing routine needs a boost. That’s where Lipid Complex comes in. Add a few drops of this fine plant ester & oil blend to your favorite The Vital Image nourisher when you feel the need for extra hydration.
Here’s how it works: All skin nourishers at The Vital Image are water soluble due to the magic of our unique COPS (Charged Organic Particles). The COPS in our nourishers have the ability to work with the plant oils and vitamins in Lipid Complex to create a rich, water-soluble nutrient that gives your cells extra hydration. When severe conditions call for extra moisture, Lipid Complex helps control your skin’s metabolic environment so your cells stay hydrated.
Guidelines for Use:
- Cleanse and, for optimal pH level, tone skin
- Put moisturizer of choice in your palm.
- Add three drops of Lipid Complex and mix into your moisturizer.
- Gently massage moisturizer/Lipid Complex combination into your skin.