Your Magnificent Skin is Vital to Us!
Experience The Vital Image: a boutique all-natural skin care line that combines innovative scientific technology with nature’s purest plant ingredients to cleanse, nourish and moisturize your skin - so you always look your best.
Founded in 1986, The Vital Image continues to lead the way in the natural beauty industry.
We are thrilled to welcome new customers to The Vital Image family. We are often asked what are the best products to start with? This is why we have created a special New Member Welcome program. Click here to learn more.
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Thank you for your interest in the best, holistic, vegan, uniquely 100% natural skin care solutions on the market - energizing plant based blends for skin, hair and personal care.
No Animal testing. We’re vegan
No Chemicals
No Pesticides
No Synthetics,
No Fillers or Solvents
For over 30 years, hundreds of thousands of men, women and children have achieved unsurpassed results due to the Charged Organic Particles (COPS) found in all our products.
With The Vital Image you will:
Unlock your skin's potential to overcome premature aging, wrinkles, sun spots, oiliness, acne, dryness, blemishes, enlarged pores.
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